Thursday, January 23, 2025

Blog Post #3

     I believe the eight values of free expression are very valuable virtues for the American people to possess. This is a set of rules that, if adhered to, are sure to produce a better America with a more prosperous people. The reason for this is that our constitution is built on the ideals of freedom and justice. Of all of the values listed, I consider Promoting Innovation and Protecting dissent to be the most relevant to modern events. In an increasingly technologically advanced world, censorship has been present in different forms of media. These attempts at controlling narratives are more detrimental to the American people than they are beneficial. Today, we'll examine the dissent this has caused in the modern world and how some people are turning things around by incorporating free speech into innovation.

    Innovation is in our DNA. From the discovery of fire to the invention of the flat screen TV, humans trend toward progress in the field of technology. According to the article 'Eight Values of Free Expression,' this ideal is important because "A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways." While there is certainly division in modern day America, the voices of the people have never been more widespread than they are now. This has lead to the transformation of speech in the public sphere as we know it. We can see this in effect today. The change in ownership of the popular social media platform twitter had massive ramifications for free speech in the modern world. The modern version of the platform, X, has very little to no censorship. Although people have varying opinions about the platforms' current state, one thing that you cannot deny is that X has had a profound impact on the exchange of information and ideas online. It has allowed unprecedented access to the thoughts and ideas of people you would have never known otherwise. 

    Have you ever held a strongly rooted opinion that you felt you couldn't express? That's a frustrating feeling. Unfortunately, bitter feelings toward government and prominent institutions have caused tragedies to occur in the past. That's why it's so important as Americans to believe in and support protecting dissent. As our previously mentioned article so elegantly stated, "Our system is not supposed to be one of mob rule. The First Amendment protects minority views, no matter how unpopular. You have a strongly protected right to disagree with the government — and everyone else. In fact, it is your patriotic duty to criticize the government." As American citizens, we shouldn't have a negative attitude towards peaceful protests or criticism against the government. These are important aspects of our right to freedom of speech. Dissent and protest have played a prominent role in recent American discussion. The most recent case of this that I can think of is the new incumbent president of the USA. Many people disagree with the decision America has made to elect Donald Trump her president. Despite these feelings, their voices and opinions are protected under the first amendment. This is ultimately a good thing as, if that contingent of people had their voices silenced, it would ultimately lead to more division within our nation. 

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